Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I got some of my immunization shots yesterday. Despite what Mike Sullivan might have told you, I don't have Rabies. He likes to tell strangers that I do, but I don't. He also thinks my name is Lindsay Retards, but it's not. Anyway, I opted not to get the Rabies shot even though my doctor strongly recommended it. While I do plan to hold and stroke and try to kiss lots of baby animals in Africa, I don't think I'll get rabies and if I do, it will have been worth it because it means I died having touched an animal. However, $650 later, I had been stabbed 4 times over in the arms. I got yellow fever, polio, meningitis, and something else, but I don't remember what. I also got a prescription for malaria tablets. A side effect of the tablets is that I'll probably have crazy dreams. Sounds good.

Susan came with me because I came home to CT and went to Bridgeport Hospital for the shots. A male nurse gave me the shots and I commented that he did it so quickly that they hadn't really hurt. Susan chose at that moment to chime in and say "Ohhhh yea, you wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am'ed her!" I kind of laughed nervously and mumbled, "No...no...you didn't. She doesn't know what that means.."

The travel doctor at the hospital gave me an hour long lecture on safety in Africa. She said things like, "wear socks with your sandals" (Uh, ISH DON'T THINK SO! I rather get malaria and die then be caught dead with socks and sandals). I stopped paying attention after awhile and was pretending to take notes. However, I did hear her say that pornography is prohibited in Ghana. I started to think about that instead and then decided that this should be written down in my "pretend notes." Basically the only thing I'd written down was that porn was prohibited. After her lecture she asked to see my notes to make sure I'd spelled the name of the water-purification tablets correctly. I had to show her my notes. She kind of looked at them for a second and then stopped talking and said "Okay, well, time for the vaccines." FAIL.

Anyway, I may be riddled with mental illnesses but at least I'll never have malaria, yellow fever, polio, meningitis, and the other thing.

A little less than 3 months to go!

1 comment:

  1. I've had the crazy dreams from Malaria pills...they are so weird. PS- you should probably listen to your doctor missy :)
